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" Newborn puppies "


Before bringing home a newborn dog, it is recommended to go to the vet, he will recommend care aspects such as room humidity for the  puppies and the importance of the right newborn temperature. Dogs are born blind and deaf and, until they are three weeks old, they have low mobility. They are very dependent on the care of their mother or, in his absence, of their owners. Providing extra food is needed to ensure the emotional development of the puppies.


After the puppies are born, it is necessary to check their health. It is important to ensure that they have no problems, instead that they are healthy and strong. One of the most reliable indicators of the proper development of a newborn dog, it is it's weight, it has to be according to their age and breed. To ensure that this is good, you must weigh the pups daily to check that they double their weight between the seventh and tenth day of life.

" 7 Foods you should not give to your dog "


Chocolate contains theobromine, an alkaloid that is chemically similar to caffeine. The chemically pure analog theobromine is used in medicine as a diuretic and heart stimulant. 


Dogs metabolize theobromine more slowly and can get sick or die from eating too much chocolate. How much is too much? Depends on the type of chocolate: melting chocolate has 10 times more theobromine than milk chocolate and thousands of times more than white chocolate. It is better for them to avoid consuming chocolate in general: provokes vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity up to a heart attack, stroke or death. It can take hours or even days to manifest symptoms.


Although it appears that animals can digest small amounts of garlic powder, larger amounts can cause gastrointestinal problems or cause anemia. In the case of garlic, the culprit is the thiosulfate, which is difficult to process for dogs and cats and  may damage their red blood cells.

Thiosulfate levels found in onions are so high that it becomes an even more dangerous food than garlic: in small amounts, it can damage and quickly kill dogs, cats and other pets.


It contains a substance called Persin, which is extremely toxic to animals. Not only the avocado flesh is dangerous, but the whole avocado plant: seed, bark and leaves is.


Although in cartoons they always give bones to dogs, bones can damage the digestive system of the animal. Break their teeth, get their mouth sore, bones can get stuck in their stomach and get them severe rectal bleeding, the FDA offers up 10 reasons why it is dangerous to reward your dog with a bone.


Dogs have a much smaller body and a faster metabolism than us, so they do not process alcohol properly. In small doses is not lethal, but the dog will get nervous and can attack or even hurt himself.


Most dogs are lactose intolerant. If they drink milk, they will develop diarrhea. They can not dissolve the sugar in milk causing vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. If you see that your dog does not like regular milk, give him a lactose-free milk, reduced in enough water.

San Salvador No. 385

Col. 5 de Diciembre

Puerto Vallarta, Jal.

APPOINTMENTS  Tel. (322) 222 - 9106 

EMERGENCY  Cel. 322 779 - 2187 

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